2-Day Training on Facilitation and PowerPoint Presentation

2-Day Capacity Building Workshop for Staff of Jaman North District Assembly. As part of its institutional strengthening and capacity building measures, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) has organized a two-day’s training workshop for heads of departments and units. The training was organized by the GIZ reps from the Bono RCC at the Assembly’s Training Hall.

The leader of the team said that, the aim of the training is to sharpen the skills of staff on facilitation, report writing and powerpoint preparation.

The District Coordinating Director, Mr. Cyril Alfred Lumor in his introductory address encouraged the participants to take the training serious to enrich their technical know-how in the discharge of their duties for them to be able to serve the people effectively.

The first day of the training focused on facilitation, whiles participants were taken through the factors that help in carrying out an effective facilitation. The facilitators, from the Bono Regional Coordinating Council took participants through the three main factors that help a facilitator to achieve his/her set objectives

Participants expressed their appreciation to the management for the training and called for more of such trainings.

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