Any person or organization that wants to put up a building, transform an existing building, and demolish an existing structure.


  1. Submission of the application.
  2. Title Clearance form duly signed by appropriate authority (certification of ownership).
  3. Building Permit application forms duly completed on behalf of the applicant.
  4. Four (4) sets of Architectural drawings including site and block plans scale of 1/20 or 1/40 showing the position of the building(s) and other work on site and duly signed by a Registered Architect or Building professional.
  5. Four (sets) of Structural drawings of the building at an appropriate scale duly signed by a Structural Engineer if it is multistorey.
  6. Business Operating Permit (for organizations).
  7. Property Rate duly paid.
  8. Any other document as may be necessary.

For Multi-user and Multi-level development:

  • Fire Report and appropriate fire engineering drawing duly vetted and approved by Ghana Fire Service (3 copies).
  • Geo-technical (Soil investigation) Report (3 copies).
  • Structural Integrity Report where the vertical extensions are proposed on existing building (3 copies)
  • Traffic Impact Assessment Report (3 copies).
  • Hydrological Report and appropriate drawings (3 copies).
  • Structural calculation / Analysis Report (2 copies).
  • Environment Impact Assessment Report (3) (if required).
  • Any other document as may be necessary.

(Contact the Works Department and the Physical Planning Department offices the Jaman North District Assembly, relevant agencies or consultants for advice and assistance).

Applicants Requiring Permission in Principle (AIP):

  • Three (3) sets of sketch drawings.
  • Three (3) copies of brief outline of project covering the location, design, activities and operational characteristics.
  • Evidence of Neighborhood consultation and comments.

Applications seeking change of use of an existing permit:

  • Previous permit on existing building.
  • Proposed amendments to drawings if relevant.
  • Evidence of Neighborhood consultation and comments for the new use of premises.

Validation of Development and Building Permit:

  • Development and Building permits are valid for five years.
  • Applicants who are unable to complete developments within permit validity period are required to seek permit for Extension of Time.